Singing Guide: Bruno Mars

Singing Guide: Bruno Mars

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars is one of the most unique and talented musicians of our generation. Known for his incredible voice, showmanship, and dance abilities, he has risen to fame and become one of the biggest stars in the music industry. If you are looking to learn how to sing like Bruno Mars, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Embrace Your Range

Bruno Mars is well known for his incredible vocal range. He has the ability to sing high notes with ease, and also has great control over his low and mid-range. To sing like Bruno Mars, you'll need to embrace your own range and work on expanding it. Singers should take the vocal range test to determine what their current range is. This will give you a good starting point to work from.

Work on Your Falsetto

Bruno Mars makes incredible use of his falsetto in his songs. It's what gives his music that high pitched sound that is so recognizable. To sing like Bruno Mars, you'll want to spend time working on your own falsetto. Singers can practice their falsetto with a variety of exercises such as the mixed voice exercise. This exercise will help you find the right balance of your chest and head voice.

Focus on Rhythm

One of the most important things to keep in mind when singing like Bruno Mars is to focus on the rhythm. Mars is known for his incredible sense of rhythm and timing. If you want to sing like him, you'll need to work on your own rhythm. The Pitch Training tool on the Singing Carrots website is a great resource to help singers work on timing and rhythm.

Practice Core Singing Techniques

Finally, you should focus on practicing core singing techniques. Singers should make use of many of the Singing Carrots resources in order to improve their singing practice. This includes both general exercise (such as the Pitch Accuracy Test, and focused exercises such as the Glottal Onset exercise. Additionally, articles such as "Resonance in Singing" and "How to Learn a Song Effectively" are excellent resources to help you improve your singing practice.

If you follow these tips and practice diligently, you'll be well on your way to singing like Bruno Mars.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.